Week 3 Day 1 Salem, VA
(Notice: Dates should be aligned by this Sunday, I'm still staggering them out due to internet difficulties on the bus in some cities)
Arriving in Salem I manage to get out of bed right on time today, so good start. I take a walk around every venue as part of my morning ritual, I find my catering area, where the local catering is set up, meet my helpers for the day (2 assistants and 1 runner), then I check in and manage stocking the buses with the rider list. After this is done I realize today I am going to have to set up both tents today for the eat n greet. Which after the first time doing it I had been trying to avoid. For no other reason but they aren't the easiest things to unload, transport, or set up. But I manage to get my stage hands in time to make it less daunting, and the help I have been given today both appear to be really hard workers. The eat and greet runs smooth as can be and we both notice that we are really getting in our groove. Rusty finds some great local farmers markets and bakery's . He returns with some amazing produce and breads. Veggies so fresh they look like they were picked early that morning. His trip to the mountains does however put us closer than we have been before to the three hour til service mark. But we rock it out pulling it off at the last minute. There are talks of making the eat n greet bigger. Zac Brown is so happy with the results and turnout of the event and he even tells the crowd about it during the show saying soon enough he hopes to feed everyone at the shows. This is a really good thing for us, especially if we keep fine tuning our routine. Tomorrow is Knoxville TN. The venue has been moved to the Knoxville Bears ice rink due to flooding of the original venue. Until the next post I thank you again as always, and look for more recipes or tips in the posts to come. Sorry there have not been more as of yet, I am new to this whole blogging thing and with the intensity of this job it's been harder than I had planned to get them up quickly. I assure you more are on the way.
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