It was a morning filled with hatred and disgust for the hangover that engulfs the very depth of the brain. With each loud sound or voice, the dying screeches of my sanity, pierce my eardrums shattering any hope of peace and content. Dear god man please let this day go smoothly!! A crack of the bus door opens the grim reality that kicks you swiftly to the gut, begging for a end to mercy with no reply from above. I keep it cool, slap my legs twice, down a hot cup, and walk toward the light. We’re in strange lands, amidst the belly of the old south, remnants of the old and the new with the twisted pride of country living and a love of endless left turns at insane speeds. Holy freak show, I might love it if it weren't my least lucky state of the upper 48, but who doesn’t love a freak show. Great Lenin its Halloween, too! Did I stumble into the depths of Satan’s groundhog day? Or is it some strange blessing.
So back to that walk….
Too discombobulated to comprehend or realize the content or condition of the ground I now must trot through, this treacherous slop half way up my shins F@#K what happened to my shoes, now buried in a an easy foot of muddy hell. Oh well, live it up one step at a time until the end which is eminent.
Was taking a bit too long with this if you like and would like to hear more please respond and i'd gladly oblige!!
Internet hasn't been fast enough to even load this site, but finally catching a break enough to get this out and work on more recipes and tips as well as tidbits from the road....
Great blog and really informative