Monday, October 5, 2009

Week 2 Day 1 Everything is bigger in Texas!

(Notice: Wireless internet does not work everywhere on the road, I write about everyday but sometimes can't post right away)

Day 1 of week 2

So after a solid half day drive on the bus we arrive in Dallas. I'm starting to get used to the fact that most all I am going to see of some cities are behind amphitheaters. Dallas is no different. Indoor venue at the Nokia Theatre, which the Zac Brown Band crew, Sonia Leigh, and Nic Cowan, and the one and only and Levi Lowery, all appreciate the change. Finding comfort in not having to be in this infinite rain that keeps following us from city to city. So we finally started to switch up our side dishes, and start using only local produce to decide what we pair with our permanent menu of the pork and beef tenderloin. Which I am extremely happy cause it's adding that level of appreciation and knowledge of local farming. Rusty has been teaching me a great deal of new things to add to my growing repituor of bad ass food. We still have killed every eat and greet thus far, and the food that has been catered for us continues to make me feel that much better about our own product. In other words, our food is so much better than we've had catered for us, and we've only been doing this for two weeks now. No real funny stories to tell except some jerk had the gumption to steal a handle of Grey Goose from our after show drinking table. Which pissed everybody off, but was then followed by all night song writing and jam sessions on our bus. Zac Brown hopped on our bus again because the man loves music and loves playing and this bus is chalk full of talented pickers and singers. This is quite the treat for the non musically gifted to hear beautiful music everynight in the smallest possible setting.


  1. Thank you from all of us who raise produce! I love hearing about stuff like this. I live on a vegetable farm in Ohio and we not only sell at farmer's markets, but also to some kickass restaurants in the nearest large city about 80 miles away. Kudos to the chefs that use locally grown produce!

  2. Thanks for the kudos drdi. yea we had planned on using local all along especially when we get in to cooking more meals. But it's great stuff, fresh local ingredients, you just can beat it!!


Zac Brown Band Music
